Defensa de TFM titulado "Navegación autónoma en entornos de interior basada en mapas topológicos visuales con técnicas de transformaciones reductoras en subespacios ( PCA y LDA)"

Defensa del Trabajo Fin de Máster: Título: Navegación autónoma en entornos de interior basada en mapas topológicos visuales con técnicas de transformaciones reductoras en subespacios ( PCA y LDA) Alumno: Pablo Trullos Turor: Darío Maravall Gómez Allende Fecha y lugar de la lectura: Sala de reuniones de la 2ª planta del DIA (miércoles 4 de julio a las 16,00 horas)

Seminario de profesor visitante MUIA: Integrating Semantic Web in the Real World: A journey between two cities. A Tutorial

El día 5 de Julio de 17:00 a 19:00 horas se celebrará en el hemiciclo H-1002 un seminario impartido por el profesor visitante Juan F. Sequeda, cuyo título es: Integrating Semantic Web in the Real World: A journey between two cities. A Tutorial Abstract: An early vision in Computer Science has been to create intelligent systems capable of reasoning on large amounts of data. Today, this vision can be delivered by integrating Relational Databases with the Semantic Web using the W3C standards: a graph data model (RDF), ontology language (OWL), mapping language (R2RML) and query language (SPARQL). The research community has successfully been showing how intelligent systems can be created with Semantic Web technologies, dubbed now as Knowledge Graphs. However, where is the mainstream industry adoption? What are the barriers to adoption? Are these engineering and social barriers or are they open scientific problems that need to be addressed? This talk will chronicle our journey of deploying Semantic Web technologies with real world users to address Business Intelligence and Data Integration needs, describe technical and social obstacles that are present in large organizations, and scientific and engineering challenges that require attention. Additionally, the talk will introduce the methodology used to to design ontologies and mappings for real world large scale database schemas.

Charla "Software Transactional Objects & Multicore Programming"

El lunes 11 a las 10:30 la profesora Barbara Liskov (A.M. Turing Award recipient and MIT Institute Professor) impartirá la conferencia "Software Transactional Objects & Multicore Programming" en el Salón de Actos de la Escuela. Multicore computers provide large numbers of processors that all share main memory. Applications running on such computers need to use parallelism to achieve good performance, and this is difficult for applications such as databases where synchronization is needed to control concurrent access to shared data. The talk describes two projects that show how to do this. The first is a new in-memory database system called Silo that provides very high performance by being careful about cache management and concurrency control.  The second is a new transaction support system called STO, which builds on the ideas from Silo to enable other transactional applications to achieve good performance through the use of transaction-aware data types.

Charla "Sensitivity analysis in graphical models: An algebraic approach"

Título: Sensitivity analysis in graphical models: An algebraic approach Ponente: Manuele Leonelli (lecturer in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Glasgow, UK) Lugar y hora: ETSI Informáticos de la UPM, Aula 3341 (Sala de Juntas), 12:30 Abstract: The assessment of the validity of a statistical model outputs, usually referred to as sensitivity analysis, is a critical task of any applied analysis. This consists of checking that a model produces outputs that are in line with current understanding, following a defensible and expected mechanism. Useful techniques to do so are nowadays well-established for various probabilistic graphical models, in particular for discrete Bayesian networks. In this talk I will provide an overview of the steps of a sensitivity analysis for discrete graphical models,  based on a monomial representation of their atomic probabilities. Furthermore, a new information-geometry characterisation of sensitivity analysis for these models will be introduced and its usefulness discussed. 

Alumno del máster ganador del ETS Development Challenge

El alumno del Máster U. en Inteligencia Artificial, Álvaro Sánchez Palomino, ha resultado ganador el ETS Development Challenge 2018.

Premio a los dos mejores Trabajos Fin de Máster

En el marco de la ayuda recibida por el MUIA en la convocatoria de la UPM para Másteres oficiales, se van a entregar dos premios (de 700 y 400 euros brutos, respectivamente) a los dos mejores Trabajos Fin de Máster que se defiendan a lo largo del curso académico 2017/18. Una vez finalizado el curso, la Comisión de Matrículas de Honor de TFM, además de asignar las matrículas de honor que correspondan (en función del número de TFM defendidos), decidirá los dos TFM premiados.

Fecha tope para defensas de Trabajos Fin de Máster

La Comisión Académica del Máster U. en Inteligencia Artificial decidió en su quincuagésima tercera reunión, celebrada el 16 de mayo, establecer el día 24 de Julio de 2018 como fecha tope para las defensas de los Trabajos Fin de Máster en este curso académico 2017/18.

Segunda lista de admitidos en el MUIA para el curso 2018/19

La Comisión Académica del Máster U. en Inteligencia Artificial (CAMIA) resolvió en su quincuagésimo tercera reunión la admisión de alumnos en el MUIA para el curso 2018/19 correspondientes al segundo periodo de preinscripción.  Listado de alumnos admitidos, en espero y denegados

Seminario profesor visitante: Building industrial AI

El seminario de profesor visitante "Building industrial AI" se celebrará el miércoles 23 de Mayo de 16:00 a 19:00 horas. El seminario será impartido por Mike Dillinger, Manager of Taxonomies and Human Judgement,  LinkedIn / Microsoft - Silicon Valley (CA-USA) Resumen del seminario: Artificial intelligence is built very differently in industry and in research labs. The goals are different, the personnel are different, the data is different, the techniques are different, the infrastructure is different, the evaluation is different.  The problems that we face in industry are very different and solutions that work in the laboratory often do not work in industrial contexts. In this course, we will explore these differences and explain why they exist. Topics: Product planning: defining short-term goals that are relevant for business Data & Knowledge:  enabling intelligence Engineering: implementing memory and reasoning Users:  testing for relevance, testing for product success

Defensa del TFM titulado "A human-robot cooperative system for surface inspection in aerial missions"

El próximo jueves 3 de mayo (12:30 horas, sala de reuniones 2ª planta del DIA) se procederá la defensa del TFM titulado "A Human-Robot Cooperative System for surface inspection in aerial missions" realizado por Pedro Frau Amar y dirigido por los profesores Martín Molina González y Darío Maravall Gómez-Allende. Publicaciones asociadas al TFM: M. Molina, P. Frau, D. Maravall (2018): A Collaborative Approach for Surface Inspection Using Aerial Robots and Computer Vision, Sensors 18(3), 893. M. Molina, P. Frau, D. Maravall, J.L. Sánchez-López, H. Bavle, P. Campoy (2017): Human-Robot Cooperation in Surface Inspection Aerial Missions, International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition (IMAV 2017), 121-128.


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